Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Vegetarian propoganda film

This is a vegetarian propaganda flic. It's a must see. All of the meat you eat has been abused when it was alive. And as the movie points out three times "WITH NO PAINKILLERS"
But, even after watching this, I can't remember having bad bacon.


Helen Keller Falls off stage during play

Skater shatters ankle, cries like girl

It's not that I don't like skaters it's just they provide so much material when it come to stupid clips and broken bones.

Kimbo Slive vs Ray Mercer MMA Debut

Kimbo Slice takes on Ray Mercer in his professional fighting debut.

Police beating civilian

There is a little mystery to this one. The first video surfaced a couple of days ago and then another that is a, em, prequel, hit digg today. The first, shows a man mouthing off a little and eventually getting beat down in his front yard with no real justification. The second shows police standing on the man's porch joking about the beating earlier that day. What can we gather from this? Barney Fife kept his bullet in his pocket because he preferred the crunch of a billy club striking a skull? Who cares, it's a nice way to end security cam week.
Video 1:

Video 2:

funny commercial

Just in case you were wondering; smoking hot, intelligent women do not respond well to certain stimuli. I am quite sure this has happened before in real life.

Backflip to faceplant teethbreak

Thanks inpart to Jackass there are a lot of toothless teenagers in the world...