Saturday, November 24, 2007

Top 10.5 pranks ever caught on video

Suprise and humor are the critical elements to a good prank. Hot women and explosions
are just extra credit. These days Kids and gameshow producers are walking the fine line between extreme prank and manslaughter everyday just to secure a spot on YouTube. This really adds to the volume of the prank videos out there. We schlepped through the steaming pile to find the best 10.5 of the lot. Bon Appetit.
Oh yeah, If you think we missed one leave a link in the comments.

#10 The passed out (to sea) Prank
Guy passes out and his buddies put him on an inflatable... on a lake.

Best Passed Out Prank Ever - Watch more free videos

#9 The Walled-off office prank

Best Office Prank Ever - Awesome video clips here

#8 Coke Bomb Prank (with instructions) Someone finally harnessed the power of the Mentos bomb and used it for evil.

#7 Bathroom mirror prank. Oh noes. Your a vahmmmpire.

Absolutely Hilarious Bathroom Mirror Prank - Watch more free videos

#6 Waterbed prank. This one got bonus points for wet t-shirt shots

#5 Missing glass door prank. Sued.

#4 Path pitfall prank. This enjoys a high place on this list for insane popularity.

Bike Path Water Hole Prank - Watch more free videos

#3 Buttered Floor Wars. You wanted to do this to your roommate at college but you weren't creative enough.

#2 Gas pump newscast prank. A fake news set is linked to a CCTV terminal that's built into a gas tank.

#1.5 Japanese portapotti Prank. Japanese gameshows are hardcore so it stands that when they go candid they don't pull any punches.

#1 Japanese ski lodge prank: God bless our scarycute Japanese brethren. Take someone who is tired. Offer them a warm place to get undressed. Let them relax. Then, strap them down to rocket chair and shoot them back out into the freezing cold. Naked.