Friday, February 29, 2008

perfect punch

In order to deliver the perfect strike you have to first move your feet away from each other. Now that your balls are unencumbered you must sidle up to the target of your strike. Now! Practice the path of the strike. MANY TIMES! Imagine DESTRUCTION curling from underneath you knuckles as you land the blow.

NOW misS!


Monday, February 25, 2008

wisdom tooth extraction

I was lucky enough to have underwent this procedure today. It was performed by a shaky-handed fellow who was old enough to have been a greeter at Walmart way back when Garfield was still funny. To make it all the more pleasant I was awake through every puff of bone smoke and crack of enamel. Some may find this video graphic but I am such a badass I had the nurse hold up a copy of Highlights magazine so I could do the wordfind. Bone appetite.

Thursday, February 21, 2008