Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Downward spiral

I work at a school. I'd like to say I am a teacher, but to say that would mean I assume the kids are learning anything and that is a broad assumption.

Most of the kids are ok, but there is a growing number that it just seems like they parent don't give a damn. That makes the kids not give a damn and it seems like they get a little dumber every year. I hoped it was the other way around, but no...

I look at people like my dad and uncle, and it seems like they can do damn near anything. They fix cars, build houses, and all other types of skills that I can't compare with. I'm a college educated man that has had to learn the skill set needed when you have hit damn near rock-bottom, but they can do so much more for themselves than I can. I tend to feel like a dumbass around them.

I stand before a classroom full of kids every school day that I genuinely like, but they seem so dim. It makes me sad and I want to know how to reach them, but I don't know how. I guess I could pawn it off and say that they have to want to learn, but I don't know.

So what do I have? A website full of people that can't pour piss out of a boot even when you write the directions on the sole and the clip of them and their 15 seconds of e-fame.

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